A Top Notch Consulting Team That Delivers Unparalleled Guidance & Support
Educational Solutions seeks to support principals, teachers and instructional leadership with gaining the pedagogical skills necessary to create the learning conditions that provide all students access to the classroom conversation and hold them accountable to high levels of academic rigor —in spite of cultural, linguistic, or experiential differences.
Smart Planning = Equitable Instruction that Transforms Lives
What sets us apart from other educational consultants is our holistic, customized style plus our capacity for handling both the academic and the non-academic.
At Educational Solutions for the 21st Century Learner, we work with school districts to create instructional leaders who have the pedagogical skills to bridge research-based instructional practices and classroom instruction. We do this by providing a comprehensive schema for teachers, coaches, and principals and our Equitable Instruction for All™ framework to ensure every student is interacting with content from bell to bell. Our unique professional development and instructional frameworks coupled with follow-up school and classroom support provide the learning necessary to create instructional equity and high student achievement for all students regardless of academic readiness, linguistic needs and background experiences. |
The Team
Our team members include experienced public education and university practitioners that are: national board certified teachers, principals, central office administrators and university educators; with expertise in all aspects of school improvement, data analysis, curriculum, student engagement, classroom management, differentiated instruction, STEM as well as Advanced Placement and IB/Cambridge programs.
Increase teachers' and school administrators' professional knowledge and skills with a customized professional development plan designed specifically for your schools' unique instructional needs.

Through our Equitable Instruction for All™ instructional framework, we work with states, districts, and schools to address a wide spectrum of needs such as:
- curriculum development
- instructional resources
- design and facilitation of professional development and professional learning communities
- school improvement
- program reviews

For A Free Professional Development or School Improvement Consultation
Call today! Phone: (520) 780-5066 Toll Free: (866) 966-6928
2016 Summer Workshops
Our hands-on professional development workshops are specifically tailored to meet the unique instructional needs of charter schools' teachers and leadership. Teachers and school leadership will learn:
- sensible and usable ways to create productive group work experiences
- how to design a "group-worthy" task that engages all students
- how to engage all students in whole group discussions that lead to better understanding
- student engagement strategies that eliminate status inequalities among students in the classroom.
For more information email: edu@edusolutions21.com