During this phase, we conduct a Needs Assessment Audit to determine the current implementation of district instructional goals, programs, practices, policies and procedures. This includes meeting with all stakeholders such as the Superintendent, the Superintendent’s cabinet, principals, teachers, students and parents.
The audit pinpoints where the district currently is in order to then implement a process of organized relinquishment of ineffective instructional practices, policies, programs and procedures in order to meet the district’s new instructional foci and goals.
During this phase, a blueprint of programs, practices, policies and procedures is written to align with the student achievement foci based on the analysis of the data from the audit. A process of systemic relinquishment is used to design the desired structure based on the new district foci for equitable student achievement. This phase involves district and school-level teams, including the Superintendents’ cabinet, students, teachers and parents.
Phase Three: Implementing the Blueprint Plan:
This stage involves a district level "Roll-out" of the blueprint. This phase is the longest and most difficult, and ultimately the most crucial. This phase includes school and district leadership teams that include teacher leaders, instructional coaches, principals and district administration that engage in targeted professional development in order to implement and sustain the new blueprint plan.
Our Equitable Instruction for All™ instructional framework is used during this phase.