Educational Solutions For the 21st Century Learner


With our district wanting to provide our teachers support with differentiating instruction, given our high ELL population, the decision was made to work with Suzanne, Rocky, Lucas and Sara. I quickly realized the high level of committment they had to our success in growing instructional practices and effectiveness. Their focus was not just about providing services but about building relationships, learning about our district's culture, understanding our needs, and meeting us where we were at in that moment. Raquel Scott, Professional Development Coach

I hear nothing but great reviews from the principal regarding your work with teachers, and I have seen firsthand the changes in them from the beginning of the year. I know those changes are due to your assistance. Ed Dawson, Federal Programs Director

Mathematics is one, if not the, most difficult areas to coach in high school education. Suzanne brings not ony that understanding to the table, but she brings, specific intentional strategies that teachers can immediatey use in the classroom. She is repsected as a math teacher first. With that, Suzanne works with teachers to drill into key areas of instruction such as differentiated instruction that have a significant impact on our students' mathematics acheivement. Gina Thompson, Assistant Superintendent

I am writing this letter to describe the outstanding professional development services Dr. Alisa Leckie has provided in our school district. We are experiencing a rapid increase in the number of English learners, and Alisa is supporting us through this transition.In addition to providing sessions on literacy and language development during our district-wide professional development days, she is currently working with a cohort of 11 of our teachers as they earn their ESOL endorsement. The endorsement consists of 150 hours of coursework related to culture, language and linguistics, and methodology. Dr. Leckie makes the coursework relevant to teachers’ classroom practice and supports them as they integrate new structures and strategies. Kristie Long, Student Support Specialist/ESOL Coordinator

Suzanne began working with us at CDJH in the fall of 2014. We have been blessed to have Suzanne as one of our consultants who has expertise in the school turnaround process. With Suzanne's wide range of educational skills, she has helped to build a very high level of professional knowlege and skills with the teaching staff at our school. We had some staff who had difficulty in making adjustments to my leadership style. Suzanne really helped in that transition by being a positive influence with a powerful growth mindset. These staff members have great reviews of Suzanne's work with them. Jay Cox, Principal

I've begun student teaching and I wanted to let you know that as I've been thinking about and approaching my upcoming classes, as well as planning with my supervising practitioner, I feel very prepared and very confident. As the prospect of lesson plans, group activities, and assessment designing looms large, I'm not worried about being in over my head. I wanted to tell you, I owe most of my current comfort to your class. You taught us a lot of practical and useful teaching skills and it's resulted in at least one future teacher who isn't terrified on his third day of school. Austin Thomas, Student Teacher, Tucson, Arizona

I want to thank you and Sara for the presentation yesterday. The Instructional Council members have been speaking very highly of the presentation and I was excited to see our teachers participate positively yesterday in the professional development.
Melissa Hall, Assistant Principal, Catalina HS